How to Submit your Ad

We offer many options for sending us your Ad copy.
We do not use Dropbox, and recommend that you don't, either.
All ads should be 300dpi. We prefer JPG or PDF file types, but can work with any Graphics format.
1) The easiest way to send your ad copy is by eMail. You can send your ad to or
Even a Full Page ad is typically no more than 10MB. While this is near the file size limit of most email providers, it is usually not a problem.
2) We can grant access to use our Staff Upload page, which is located at This allows the upload of a single file at a time, with a limit of 15MB.
3) We can provide you with an account on our FTP server. This is the best way to submit large or multiple files. You will be given a private directory that cannot by accessed by any other customers or the public. There is no limit to the size or number of files you can upload to our FTP server.
4) If you have your own website, you can upload your ad copy there, and send us a link to it, such as We can download it from there. This method is only limited by the restrictions of your own web server.
5) We do not use Dropbox, and recommend that you don't, either.

If you have any further questions, contact us by email at or use our contact form at

These Special Ad Rates reflect a discount for recurring advertisers.
For regular rates, please see our Current Rate Sheet
Thank You for deciding to Advertise with Louisiana Biker Magazine.
For detailed info on Ad types, go to Ad Rates and Sizes.

Ad Size Ad Formats Price Purchase
1/8 Page Horizontal, Vertical, Banner $60
1/4 Page Horizontal, Vertical, Rectangle $125
1/2 Page Horizontal, Vertical $250
Full Page Vertical $500
Inside Covers Vertical $500
Back Cover Vertical $600
These prices reflect a 10% discount for electronic payment.

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